Nov 26, 2007


Environment Our Future

What kind of environment do we want to live in?
All of us believe that the air we breathe, the water we drink and
the food we eat should be free of harmful pollutants. We want
to avoid the threat and uncertainty of climate change. A clean
and healthy environment is vital to the quality of life we desire
for ourselves now and for our children in the future.
Protecting the planet creates both challenges and opportunities.
Through greater efficiency and better use of natural
resources, we can break the old link between economic growth
and environmental damage. We can be both more prosperous
and greener.

Nov 14, 2007

Mobile Mania

No borders. No barriers. No limits. Has there ever been a change in human behaviour as rapid and exciting as that of the communication revolution?
The introduction of mobile phones to Pakistan's shores has been a smashing
Gone are the days when a man could be judged by his shoes. With mobile phones fast becoming a hot sartorial accessory, phone aesthetics are playing a crucial role in luring customers. Red, blue, chrome, black, with ring tones ranging from Mission Impossible - the new generation of mobile phones are slick and cool and very much a statement about who you are. So if you're a young, twenty-something executive, your mobile will say a lot about how successful you are perceived to be. For older and more serious users, there are a range of higher priced, high-power phones. The preferred brand of power executives, according to sales figures is Samsung or Motorola. Young, school-going, hip and aspiring trendsetter? A Nokia phone is as essential as good grades.
